Marshall University

Marshall University, Brad D. Smith Graduate School of Business in Lewis College of Business

Year Program Started
Curriculum Model
Coursework and Dissertation
Program Description
The Marshall University Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program is a research-based doctoral program that combines a disciplined approach to scholarship with a focus on compelling problems of practice. The DBA program is a 66-credit hour, three-year, hybrid program that requires students to prepare an applied research proposal and dissertation. Students will study seminal and contemporary business literature to develop research questions in their area of interest. They will perform literature reviews, design and perform research studies, analyze data, and draw relevant conclusions that affect economic development and business innovation. Students will choose a concentration that focuses on one broad business area, and they will be required to complete a proposal and dissertation as part of the program.
Application requirements
Minimum of 5 years professional experience expected. Senior level management experience preferred. Masters degree is preferred. Levelling courses required for those without masters degrees.